We have a problem, sir, not BOSS, not Master, not TEACHER, NOT PATRON, NOT MY DEAR, SIMPLY AND USUALLY no sir I don't know you, I called you only because I'm looking for a cure, until 10 days ago I was an ordinary woman who goes every 3 months in Germany where he takes care of old and sick people, fate changed everything during the night and I ended up as a cripple, without my desire. It is sad that there are people who enjoy the body of sick people. We are nothing true and I turned to you only for help.
Some people have strange and unusual fetishes that you have never heard of and would never put in the category of fetishes, but they are because their personalities use them in the lowest urges, that is, for bodily enjoyment. from the same the other side experiences the bodil
y climax (orgasm) of your pains
Znam da mene nije lako voleti. Ja sam hronicni .,filozof... Preterujem više nego što bih trebao ... s vremena na vreme, nekad ipak bih trebao biti pomalo nesiguran. Ali ako sam zaljubljen u sebe i tebe, mogu ti od srca obećati da ćeš biti voljen s toliko strasti i intenziteta da ćeš zaboraviti kakav je osećaj bio pre mene biti sa nekim.. Uvek ćete biti zbrinuti i uvek ćete imati nekoga u svom cosku tajni... Možda nisam najbolji u tome...ali zato što me svi vole i ja volim da mislim da sam prilično dobar u ljubavi u davanju i naravno uzimanju... H.S