Hey kitty, do you want to spend one of your nine lives with me?
I'm not drunk, but your beauty completely stunned me.
I almost died when I saw you, because your beauty took my breath away.
Excuse me, girls, what time is it? - Half past ten. I think it's time to meet….
Hey kitty, do you want to spend one of your nine lives with me?
Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk in front of you one more time?
Excuse me, can I borrow your phone? My mom told me to call her when I found the woman of my life.
If you ever lose your virginity, will you give me the box in which that innocence was packed?
Did it hurt a lot? (What?) When you fell from heaven.
Bond. James Bond.
If appearance could kill, you would be a weapon of mass destruction.
Be original, say ‘yes’.
Can you please order me a coffee - strong as me and sweet as you.
Do you have something Montenegrin in you? And do you want to have?
Hello. I'm a big brother am I've been watching you all night…
You look like my third wife - Oh, how many times have you been married? - Two times …
Is your dad a sculptor, so you are so perfectly built.
Hey kittens, let's meet, I'm Whiskas.
I need a map of the world. I'm lost in your eyes.
Is your dad a thief? So who stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes?
Are you tired? Maybe because you've been wandering around in my mind all night.
Can we meet? I'm Mr. Real. Someone told me you were looking for me.
Hey sugar, don't go out in the sun, you could melt!
Do you believe in reincarnation? I can swear we were lovers in a past life.
Znam da mene nije lako voleti. Ja sam hronicni .,filozof... Preterujem više nego što bih trebao ... s vremena na vreme, nekad ipak bih trebao biti pomalo nesiguran. Ali ako sam zaljubljen u sebe i tebe, mogu ti od srca obećati da ćeš biti voljen s toliko strasti i intenziteta da ćeš zaboraviti kakav je osećaj bio pre mene biti sa nekim.. Uvek ćete biti zbrinuti i uvek ćete imati nekoga u svom cosku tajni... Možda nisam najbolji u tome...ali zato što me svi vole i ja volim da mislim da sam prilično dobar u ljubavi u davanju i naravno uzimanju... H.S