....remembering the days when she used to peak through the window glasses for a glance of him. Waiting for hours and hours with eyes wide open, just to take a look of that loving face of him. As after certain time, she get to know his Park going time. She just waits at the park for him. Neither did she talked or none a gesture to tell him that she likes him. But those romantic eyes tells him that she's in love. Day after day their conversation increased and so did their immense love for each other. Every evening at the corner of the park where there is huge bushes present to have some privacy to meet. She dressed up in her long brown gown and he in his black and brown coat meets each other. They realized this relationship should be named.
...sećajući se dana kada je provirivala kroz prozorske naočare da bi bacila pogled na njega. Čekajući satima i satima širom otvorenih očiju, samo da pogledam to njegovo lice pune ljubavi. Nakon određenog vremena, ona će upoznati vrijeme odlaska u Park. Ona ga samo čeka u parku. Niti je pričala niti je bilo kojim gestom rekla da joj se sviđa. Ali te romantične oči mu govore da je zaljubljena. Iz dana u dan njihov razgovor se povećavao, a tako i njihova ogromna ljubav jedno prema drugom. Svake večeri na uglu parka gdje se nalazi ogromno grmlje da bismo imali malo privatnosti za upoznavanje. Ona se obukla u svoju dugu smeđu haljinu, a on u svom crnom i smeđom kaputu se susreće. Shvatili su da ovaj odnos treba imenovati