Josh blindfolding you and tying you to the bed and, like the mother trucker he is, teasing the ever living shit out of you until you’re dripping. Soft grazes over your skin with his fingertips that make goosebumps rise, soft kisses in your favorite spots, barely grazing over your panties just to make it even more antagonistic. But when he finally decides to give in, he praises you like no other: “you’re so pretty when you’re wiggling around like this for me”, “always such a good girl for me mama”, “that’s my girl, tell me what you want” etc….
Znam da mene nije lako voleti. Ja sam hronicni .,filozof... Preterujem više nego što bih trebao ... s vremena na vreme, nekad ipak bih trebao biti pomalo nesiguran. Ali ako sam zaljubljen u sebe i tebe, mogu ti od srca obećati da ćeš biti voljen s toliko strasti i intenziteta da ćeš zaboraviti kakav je osećaj bio pre mene biti sa nekim.. Uvek ćete biti zbrinuti i uvek ćete imati nekoga u svom cosku tajni... Možda nisam najbolji u tome...ali zato što me svi vole i ja volim da mislim da sam prilično dobar u ljubavi u davanju i naravno uzimanju... H.S